Studio RM Gardner is a place to find works by the artist that would not normally be found in galleries or even on the artist's website. It is the only place to purchase Rachelle M. Gardner's work online.


About the Artist

As a mixed media artist, I presently focus on fibers and textiles. I am in love with process and the rich language of technique and expression found in the fiber arts. Whether dyeing, felting, dissolving, or melting, textiles connect me to these forces on a conceptual level, so that how I make an object is vital to its meaning. At the moment, I focus heavily on thread, an elemental material normally used to hold everything else together.

I am influenced by the passing down of handcraft from one generation to another and strive to re-contextualize traditional craft. A wide range of interests, such as astrophysics and yogic philosophy, provide ample fodder for a contemporary take on the historical practices inherent to fibers and textiles.